the future plan and the prospects for cooperation between consultant bureau and state department

 1- hold a scientific and engineering conference to improve  the work of different state department and private companies. 

2- submit a training courses for students on a developed engineering programs to keep up with the evolution of engineering sciences and apply it practically.

3- participate in scientific and engineering conference of the university and support it.

4- train a number of students annually through the projects supervised by our bureau and its labs.

5- cooperate with different bureau,ministries and companies. 

6- make a different laboratory tests through bureau labs ( soil, construction).

7- prepare , submit and review designs for all fields and sectors.

8- participate in supervise and secure the quality of project implementation through making tests as well as bureaus and lab abilities to achieve a high quality. 







work plan


1- prepare designs for all engineer specializations. 

2- provide all engineering consultancy.

3- supervise on projects and secure it quality.

4- conduct a lab tests to evaluate the validity of materials.

5-prepare a feasibility study.

6- provides an environmental impact report.

7- hold a seminar and workshop in the consultant bureau.

8- organize a developed engineering courses and prepare qualifying training program.

9- evaluate the project management and make solution for all obstacles.



مختبر تحضير العينات

 Reference  Price I.D  sample/technique or property  Type of test  NO
according to apparatus standards   5000  اسناد على الحار او البارد  sample mounting
 according to apparatus standards   10000

 تحضير العينة من اعمال الصقل والتنعيم والاظهار 

للبنية المجهرية

 sample preparation
 according to apparatus standards   30000

 استخدام المجهر لتحديد نوع البنية او سمك الطلاء 

مع الصور المجهرية الدقيقة وبقوة تكبير 1600 مرة

 microstructure with all details